
Drs. Theo J. P. M. Bögels MA, owner of Laguerma Consultancy, is Managing Director of PEN Psychodiagnostics, a well known organization in Holland, founded more than 15 years ago, that publishes several psychological tests (amongst which the Bar-On EQ-i, MSCEIT, GAMA, MMPI-2 and MMPI-A). Theo, after having been a member of the Dutch navy for a short period of time, studied Physical Therapy and, later, (Clinical) Psychology at the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. He often is asked to teach as part of postgraduate educational programs in Psychology or Business Administration and facilitated numerous workshops and presentations on Emotional Intelligence and other subjects. He also is a teacher at the Postgraduate School of the Free University (VU/FEWEB) in Amsterdam (PGO HCM).
Theo also works as a consultant for several profit and non-profit organizations and customizes (and facilitates) programs for personal or organizational development and change. Several companies see him as a versatile coach for their top executives. Theo offers workshops in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland on a demand basis. He also trained high potentials in France and Croatia and facilitated workshops in the UK. Dutch, German, and/or English language instruction can be provided. He is a member of the MHS Consulting Network of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.